Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hip Pain Motorcycle Did I Break My Hip/pelvic Bone?

Did I break my hip/pelvic bone? - hip pain motorcycle

I had a motorcycle accident at low speed semi Sunday, fell and struck the ground very hard. Apart from visible scratches on my arm, I woke up the next morning with a bruise on the thigh. I hoped, but is suddenly huge (I) my big and bloated.

I went to the doctor when I saw the wound increased. I can walk without a limp, to work stairs jumping, running and carrying heavy objects, without any pain or discomfort. He said he thinks only of his broken blood vessels, bleeding under the skin, but sent me for X-rays to be safe. I just X-rays done today and now I'm waiting a bit nervous.

They still do well and without pain, if they broke their hip or pelvic bone? Is it more seriously a bone bruise?

Thank you.


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