Monday, December 7, 2009

Slr Cleaning Kits Perfect Tool Kit Digital SLR Camera.... Cleaning, How & When ?

Digital SLR camera.... cleaning, how & when ? - slr cleaning kits perfect tool kit

I'm trying to learn everything you can about the use of either my Nikon D80. I have just a few months ago and knew nothing about photography with the camera of this type. I read and learn. I wonder when should I clean the inside of the camera? Regularly? Once a month? No, unless you spots on your pictures? When cleaning is necessary, how are you and what do you use? I have a kit for cleaning lenses with lens paper a cleaning and a brush with an air bubble at one end ... are those used to clean the inside? I do not think the camera needs cleaning, and I would be very careful to do really, but I think this information is very important to know, and I can not find a book that answers me.

Thank you.


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